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AMERICA FIRST but… what about the second?

One of the many advantages of understanding English is this. You can do tourism through the sense of humour of each of the countries that have responded to Trump. A fantastic page has fallen into my hands, with a great idea: to collect them in three websites with maps:

Una de las muchas ventajas que tiene entender el inglés es esta, que puedes hacer turismo a través del sentido del humor de cada uno de los países que han respondido a Trump. Ha caído en mis manos una página fantástica, con una idea genial: recogerlos en tres webs con mapas:

Who wants to be the second?;  «Every second counts«;   It is great!

The first answer to Trump about his phrase «America first» was the Netherlands, so we put the first… and the other countries and places have used this, to propose themselves as «the second».

There is no waste of any of the videos!!! At the moment 157 countries, or regions, or places, want to be the second. Or not. Enjoy!

La primera respuesta a Trump acerca de su frase «America first» fue la de Holanda, por eso la ponemos la primera… y los demás países y lugares han utilizado Esta para proponerse como «los segundos».

¡¡¡No tiene desperdicio ninguno de los videos!!! De momento 157 países o regiones quieren ser los segundos. O no.  ¡A disfrutar!

NETHERLANDS wants to be second

– – –

God first – your neighbour second (Official)


ADELBODEN wants to be second 

AFGHANISTAN wants to be second 

ALBANIA wants to be second 

ALGERIA wants to be second Morocco Last

ANTARCTICA wants to be second

ARMENIA wants to be the alternative first

ARNSTADT (Germany) wants to be second

AUSTRALIA wants to be second

AUSTRIA wants to be second and here (you find another one)

AZERBAIJAN wants to be second

AZORES ISLANDS wants to be second

BADEN-WÜRTTENBERG wants to be second

BANGLADESH wants to be second

BARDEL wants to be second

BAVARIA wants to be second

BELARUS wants to be second

BELGIUM wants to be second

BERGISCH LAND wants to be second

BERLIN wants to be second

BERNDIAFFE’s Jungle wants to be second 

BORKUM wants to be second


BRANDENBURG wants to be second

BRAZIL wants to be second

BULGARIA wants to be second

BURKINA wants to be second

CANARY ISLAND wants to be second

CATALONIA wants to be second

CHILE wants to be second

CHINA wants to be second and this is the official

COLOGNE wants to be second

COLOMBIA wants to be second

CROATIA wants to be second and (another one)

CYPRUS wants to be second

CZECH REPUBLIC wants to be second here is (another Czech version)

DENMARK wants to be second

DONAUSTADT wants to be second 

DRESDEN wants to be second 

DÜREN wants to be second

EGYPT wants to be second

ESTONIA wants to be second

ETHIOPIA wants to be second

FINLAND wants to be second and this is the VERY OFFICIAL

FLENSBURG wants to be second

FRANCE wants to be second

FREIBURG wants to be second

FRYSLÂN wants to be second

FURRIES wants to be second

GERMANY wants to be second

GALACTIC EMPIRE wants to be second

GEORGIA wants to be second

GREECE wants to be second (or fifty-FIRST State of America)

GRONAU wants to be second

GRONINGEN wants to be second

HAMELIN wants to be second

HEIDENHEIM Second. Or third. Fourth? Fifteenth???! (OFFICIAL)

HESSEN wants to be second

HOGWARTS wants to be second

HONG KONG wants to be second 

HUNGARY wants to be second (or third)

ICELAND wants to be second

INDIA wants to be second

INDONESIA wants to be second

IRAN wants to be, don’t mind, but before Iraq, please

IRELAND wants to be second or the 51st State

ISRAEL wants to be second

ITALY wants to be second

JAPAN wants to be second

JKU wants to be second

KASSEL wants to be second

KAZAKHSTAN wants to be second

KENYA wants to be second

KOSOVO wants to be second 

LATVIA wants to be second

LIMBURG wants to be second

LITHUANIA wants to be second

LUCERNE wants to be Third 

LUXEMBOURG wants to be second (and here you can find another one)

MACEDONIA wants to be second

MADEIRA ISLAND wants to be second

MALAYSIA wants to be second and MALAYSIA FIRST

MALTA wants to be second

MANNHEIM wants to be second

MARTE wants to be second

MÉXICO FIRST,  MEXICO wants to be second (HERE ANOTHER ONE #antidonaldtrump)

MOLDOVA wants to be second

MOLISE wants to be second

MORDOR wants to be second

MOROCCO wants to be second

MUSLIM WORLD wants to be second

MY GARDEN second

NAMIBIA FIRST (NOT SECOND) Or Number One «s***-hole Country»

NAPLES wants to be second

NATIVE AMERICA 567TH wants to be second

NETHERLANDS wants to be second

NEW ZEALAND wants to be second

NICARAGUA wants to be second

NIGERIA wants to be second

NORD COREA wants to be second

NORTH POLE wants to be second

NORWAY do not want to be second (but put Sweden the last, please)

OCEAN wants to be second

OSTFRIESLAND wants to be second

PAKISTAN wants to be third

PANDORA wants to be second

PALESTINE wants to be second

PANEM wants to be second

PFORZHEIM wants to be second

PHILIPPINES wants to be second

POLAND wants to be second and this one POLAND FIRSTER!

PORTUGAL wants to be second

RHEINHESSEN wants to be second

RIJSENHOUT wants to be second

ROMANIA wants to be second (and this other: Romania Second or at Least Top 100 Please)

RUHRGEBIET wants to be second

RUSSIA wants to be second (and this other RUSSIA Second or First)

SAARLAND wants to be second

SAXONIA wants to be second

SERBIA first after that and Russia also first

SINGAPORE wants to be second

SCOTLAND wants to be second

SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN wants to be second

SLOVAKIA wants to be second

SLOVENIA wants to be second

SPAIN wants to be second another SPAIN SECOND

SOUTH AFRICA wants to be second

SOUTH KOREA wants to be second


SWABIA wants to be second

SWEDEN wants to be second

SWITZERLAND wants to be second

SYRIA wants to be second

TATOOIN wants to be second

The Seven Kingdoms second

THE WILDERNESS wants to be second

THÜRINGEN wants to be second

TRIER wants to be second

TRUCKERS wants to be second

TUNISIA wants to be second

TURKEY  wants to be second

UGANDA Uganda welcomes Trump in his own words #everysecondcounts

UNITED KINGDOM Second (official) #everysecondcounts and (The UK above everyone else) and (keep the U.K second! A real Brit greets Trump in his own words.)

UKRANIA wants to be second

VENICE wants to be second

WALLIS wants to be second

WESTEROS wants to be second

WILDAU wants to be second

YEMEN wants to be second

ZUGSPITZ Region wants to be second

Martin Schulz doesn’t care!






1 respuesta

  1. 2018-07-03